Sunday, July 11, 2010

On earth for a reason

I was watching my sisters’ keeper last night and when Anna the little girl who wanted to be able to make decisions for her medical heath, said that everyone was born for a purpose, it got me thinking of my purpose for being born.

Was it because my mother wanted a female child or because to have someone that could be better than my older siblings; you see I’m the youngest of three and so far I’m the only one who hasn’t been incarcerated before the age of 16.
Maybe I was born to watch over my mother and make sure she does’t hurt herself, I tell you now I love my mother dearly but I’m tired of being the one who has to take care of everyone.
When my grandmother dies I will become the peace keeper in my family, and I don’t think I could ever be ready for that responsibility.

So I wonder what my purpose for being in this modern hell is.

Maybe I will be the next Mozart or the next Dolly Parton minus the breasts.

But I want to be the next Nicholas Sparks, the famous writer of the notebook, Dear John, and the Last song. So of the most amazing love stories ever and I’m not talking about the movies; I mean the actual books.

“There’s more to life than money or fame, life is about risking the last string of sanity you have and cutting it to let your destiny be yours, no else’s!” - A

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