Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pixie Dust

Faith, trust, and pixie dust...

strong words and the most used when referring to peter pan, when i was little and still living on the sanity side i remember my mom saying those words and i always thought how can someone not trust or have faith in something so magical as peter pan. But as i grew i came to term that magic doesn't always make since. But if you believe in you and your powers anything can happen, even flying to the first star on the right and straight tell morning; just to see peter pan and the magical never land. As i grew up i thought thinking of never land was stupid but as i talked to my best friend today i knew nothing is impossible, everything is always in reach even if it takes some sleepless nights and a some stress everything can always work out one way or another!

so i wanted to post this because i wanted people to look to themselves to find the inner child who is beating at a door to be let out... but anyways guys i want you to know i think everyone has a chance at what they dream for even if it seem million of miles away.

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